Skagit Valley Baptist is focused on helping people know, love, and follow the Lord Jesus. We are a family focused, Bible centered church serving Mount Vernon, Wa and the surrounding communities.
When it comes time for church we fully engage worshipping God with all our heart.
We praise God - in Singing.
We worship God - humbling ourselves before Him.
We grow together - as we feast upon the Word of God.
We pray together - trusting God to work in and through us.
We Connect - developing relationships to last for eternity
bound together in the Love of Jesus Christ.
We Welcome - All who come to be a part!
Together we are a community of believers. What does that mean, the word community? We believe that together in fellowship we grow closer to God and one another. The Bible speaks about iron sharpening iron. We believe that together we grow stronger.
The community that is a Church is a gift God has given to those who follow Him through faith in Jesus Christ. God understands the need for and value of a community of believers and tells us much in the Bible: "...a threefold cord is not quickly broken" Eccl 4:12; "That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love,..." Col 2:2; "Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:" 1 Peter 3:8.
We strive to be a Church that engages our local communities so that they feel loved, accepted and valued. Jesus calls for us to go outside the walls of the Church to reach the lost and the broken. It is out in the community that the lost and broken will be found. There is help for the broken in Jesus Christ and we gladly carry the light of Christ into our community.
We highly value our relationships with one another. We look to grow through fellowship and ultimately grow closer to God. We value the word of God and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We look to extend God's grace to all of the lost and broken and lead those with no hope to the hope of life and life abundant in Jesus Christ.
Skagit Valley Baptist is a church in Mount Vernon, Washington that is committed to a culture of Unity, Love, Service, Purity, and Family in the name of Jesus Christ. We are a community of believers who desire to know God more deeply, follow Him more closely, and serve Him Joyfully.
The mission of Skagit Valley Baptist Church is to help people move closer to God through the Great Commission. This means those who don't have a personal relationship with Jesus can find one here - by Grace.
Those who presently have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the Gospel but no spiritual connection or home in a community of believers can be connected and find their home with us at Skagit Valley Baptist as we follow Christ - by Grace.
We help those who are desiring to follow Jesus learn to walk with Him and to serve Him. We do this by relevant and impactful Bible teaching and mentorship by those who have been following Jesus - by Grace.
In 1991 Pastor Jeff Miller came with his family and charting the course by following the Lord Jesus, began to help people move closer to God - by Grace.
Out of the efforts of Brother Miller and his family this community of believers began to be gathered and grow in Grace. After a few years the current property was purchased and the current facility built. We give all Glory to God who has birthed us and nurtured us- by His Grace.
For more detailed information on our beliefs email or call us.
We believe the Bible to be the revealed Word of God, fully and verbally inspired of God. We believe the Scriptures to be the inerrant, infallible Word of God, asfound within the 66 books from Genesis to Revelation. We believe that God notonly inspired every word, but that He has preserved them through the ages. We believe that the King James Version is the preserved Word of God for the English speaking-people and is the only acceptable translation to be used in this church.
(Psalm 12:6-7; II Timothy 3:15-17; I Peter 1:23-25; II Peter 1:19-21)
We believe in one God; Who is eternal, self-existent, infinite, and immutable. We believe He has one nature, one essence, and one substance; yet manifests Himself to man in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
(Deuteronomy 6:4; I Timothy 1:17; James 1:17; I John 4:4)
We believe Jesus Christ to be the one and only Saviour of mankind. We believe Jesus Christ to be eternally God and to possess all the attributes of Deity. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was virgin-born, that He was God incarnate, and that the purposes of the incarnation were to reveal God, to redeem men, and to rule over God’s kingdom.
We believe the Holy Spirit of God is a divine person who has personality and all the attributes of Deity. We believe the Holy Spirit has always been involved in the affairs of mankind; however, we believe He has a special ministry that began at Pentecost and will continue until the rapture. This ministry includes reproving the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The Holy Spirit was also sent to regenerate, sanctify, seal, and fill all who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe that Satan was once holy, and enjoyed heavenly honors; but through pride and ambition to be as the Almighty, fell and drew after him a host of angels, that he is now a malignant prince of the power of the air, and the unholy god of this world.
We believe all men were born with an inherited sin nature received from our common ancestor, Adam. We believe that because of his nature, man is a sinner by choice, and he is totally incapable of reforming himself or ceasing from his sin by his own power. We believe the only hope of deliverance for man is a total change of mind concerning his sinful condition and inability to change it, and a turning to Jesus Christ as the only Saviour.
We believe that a person is saved by God’s power, therefore eternally kept by His power and remaining secure in Christ forever.
We believe that the church began with the calling out of the twelve apostles by Jesus Christ and was empowered on the day of Pentecost. We believe the church is composed of members who have been saved and baptized according to the command of Christ and have voluntarily united together for the purposes of worship, fellowship, service, and observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
We believe in the blessed hope, the personal and imminent return of Christ, and the pre-tribulation rapture of the redeemed of this age, followed by the seven-year tribulation. We believe in the pre-millennial return of Christ to the earth and His literal rule of 1,000 years.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of all men, the saved to eternal life, and the unsaved to judgment and everlasting punishment.
We believe that the souls of the redeemed are, at death, absent from the body and present with the Lord, where in conscious bliss they await the first resurrection, when spirit, soul, and body are reunited to be glorified forever with the Lord.
We believe that the souls of unbelievers remain, after death, in conscious punishment and torment until the second resurrection, when with soul and body reunited, they shall appear at the Great White Throne Judgment, and shall be cast into the Lake of Fire, not to be annihilated, but to suffer everlasting conscious punishment and torment.
We believe that God created the universe in six literal, 24-hour periods. We reject evolution, the gap theory, the day-age theory, big-bang theory, theistic evolution, and intelligent design not attributed to God as unscriptural theories of origin.
(Genesis 1-2; Exodus 20:11)
We believe that God has given the church a great commission to proclaim the Gospel to all nations so that there might be a great multitude from every nation, tribe, ethnic group, and language group who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. As ambassadors of Christ, we must use all available means to go to the foreign nations and not wait for them to come to us.
We believe that every Christian, as a steward of that portion of God’s wealth entrusted to him, is obligated to financially support his church. We believe that God has established the tithe as a basis for giving, but that every Christian should also give other offerings sacrificially and cheerfully to the support of the church, the relief of those in need, and the spread of the Gospel.
We love our church leadership! The Leadership team here at Skagit Valley Baptist Church is a mix of paid and volunteer staff. Our Pastor is the only paid staff at present. He is joined in the ministry by a small army of volunteers. We have Deacons, Trustees, Nursery Leadership, Maintenance and Cleaning and Children's ministries all led and staffed by qualified volunteers.
Rodney Woodcock
Pastor and Mal Sun are new to the Skagit valley and love serving the Lord in the Pacific Northwest.
The Woodcocks have three grown children and seven grandchildren spread out around the country.